Mozilla Developers Network

I had been editing some of the docs regarding Firefox OS. It was great work. I have always loved open source and this was just another contribution. I had been lurking on the #mdn IRC channel for some time now. One fine day, there came the day of the meeting of all the people in the Mozilla Development Network and I was also present. I introduced myself, and no doubt the people welcomed me. I was all \o/ and happily doing the Irish jig about the great meeting going on. They gave a list of all the work that was going on along with their status and I asked a few questions. I really like transliteration, so, I asked them if a specific job in transliteration was free and not assigned to anyone, but apparently someone else had already got their hands on it before me. So, the people there suggested that I take up some other job and I agreed. ‘I got selected’ or so goes the saying. My job was to create the pages about the <input type='XXXX'>. These had been put all in one place so it was a bit difficult to locate all their attributes. Also, the members said that they needed someone to do it, because it was pretty important, but had not got the time to get on with it for quite some time now. So I agreed, and started on with it. I made one page first and asked for comments on the IRC channel. They told me what they thought about it and made a few edits. I got some more time to add onto the existing work and got the basic outline for the rest of the job. I really liked it. The work was good and I in turn learnt a lot about documentation and the development standards that Mozilla abides by. I am proud of the fact that I decided to contribute to Mozilla and truly have loved being a part of it. :)

Now, I have finished my initial work that was assigned to me, but that does not mean that my job here is done. I learnt a lot along the way and this experience has enriched me completely. It has increased my love for open source and no doubt I will continue working for MDN. I will still be lurking on the IRC channels and will still be contributing both to the codebase and the documentation. I love IRC, and till date I have found so many interesting people there, including some of my college seniors. They reminiscence and seem nostalgic when they talk about how the college was in the past. It makes the happy balloon inside me even happier. I am truly gratified by the welcome into the community.

Thank you everyone!

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20 February 2015
